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Delivery usually takes between 1-3 business days in New Zealand. If you are based on North Island, please allow 1-4 working days. For international shipping and more information on shipping and delivery, please read more here.
No worries! We accept exchanges and returns within 21 days of dispatch of your order. This timeline begins the day your item is posted to you, shown by the tracking number.
To organise an exchange or return, email support@duffleandco.com. We will ask for proof of purchase and reason for exchange or return, then arrange next steps with you. For more information please follow these steps. Please note that for any Made To Order item, you only have 3 days from the date you purchase to change your mind for an exchange, as this is being made just for you.
This is our effort to ensure that your Duffle&Co piece stays in use as long as possible. Please read on here.
We recommend using a cleaning and caring leather lotion for moisturising and repairing any scuffs that may occur during use. If you can find one with beeswax in that gives a lovely finish. We prefer to use Woly's Creme Essentielle. Apply with a soft clean cloth in circular motions, and leave it to dry out of the sun. We recommend doing this every few months to maintain the look and feel of the leather. Remember leather bags are just like shoes! They need maintaining and caring for to age well.
For more information on caring for your Duffle&Co, and for alternative materials, click here.
We are often asked which products fit a 15” laptop. These products include the 15” laptop sleeve, the McCarty Tote, the Bri Tote, the Forrest Satchel, the Daniel Satchel, and all Duffle Bags. The Bradley Backpack fits a 13” laptop. Unfortunately, our Rose and Zahra bags don’t fit laptops, but they do fit books and smaller iPads beautifully. For those who want a compact piece like the Cooke, this product fits your essential cards, keys and cash, whilst fitting into the palm of your hand.
We’re so glad you’re curious about this one. Most companies use plastic to protect product during the shipping process, but we thought, why not give our customers a little extra bonus product and ditch the plastic along the way? There are so many ways to use your cotton tote bag:
- Camera bag
- For travel toiletries
- To store your hair dryer, straightener, or curler
- To untangle all your chargers and keep tech safe
- As a laundry bag when you are on the go.
Let us know what you use your cotton duffle bag for and tag us on social media! Read more ideas as to how to use your drawstring bag here.
We are partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects to help us plant 5 trees from every online purchase that is made. We work with them in landscape restoration, that generates environmental, socioeconomic, and biodiversity benefits in critical landscapes around the world. Read more here.
Our hang tags have been carefully designed so that they don't use plastic and can be recycled along with your paper recycling. The string can be removed and reused. The cotton drawstring bag is there to store your bag when not in use, or reuse for something else. (Get some ideas here). For sending your Duffle&Co pieces, we use R3'S compostable mail bags. They are made from 100% biodegradable and compostable materials and have 40% less CO2 emissions compared to traditional plastics. Once used pop these mail bags in with your food scraps and garden waste. They will break down within 90 days in a compost environment. Note: Please make sure to remove all tape and labels first. We are also introducing R3's recycled plastic mail bags, as these are waterproof.
For larger corporate orders, we reuse cardboard boxes.
We use a range of responsibly sourced materials depending on the product that we make. From Recycled Canvas that is repurposed from car upholstery to Naked New Zealand leather. Read more about our materials here.